Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get Lost

I read somewhere that the recent episode of Lost only managed to pull in some 14 million viewers - the lowest in its three-year history. Should anyone be surprised? The show - once darling of critics and audience - has been on a decline since Season 2.

The problem with Lost is its writers. It is one thing to keep the viewers in suspense but it is another to keep us guessing. Week after week, episode after episode, the writers come up with more mysteries (who are the Others, what do they want, what exactly is the Dharma initiative, where is Michael and Walt... I can go on for hours, really) and introduce more characters (do we care about Nikki and Paulo?). We are confused, seriously confused. To a point that we don't give a rat's ass anymore.

However, the creators of Lost have promised to deliver more answers in the near future as a way to entice viewers to keep tuning in. Oh no, we are not falling for that line again! It is official - Lost has lost it!

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