Thursday, March 29, 2007

As Predictable As A B-Grade Flick

There was an argument at the office today when some colleagues found out that Sanjaya is still not booted out. How naive of them to think Sanjaya's position is vulnerable! He wasn't anywhere near the bottom three, ok? I am not a fan of the boy (my vote goes to Blake, thank you!) but I have watched enough episodes of American Idol to know that just because you are bad, it doesn't mean you have to pack up and leave.

The show has become so predictable. Every season, you get the same kinda contestants. A few fat chicks who can sing but won't go far. A cute white guy. Some who fly under the radar and will go far. Underdogs. Hot girl. And the talent-less. And the order of elimination is as similar as the way characters are killed in teen-slasher flick.

I just wish people would wipe away the look of surprise on their faces when Sanjaya is not booted out. The same way I wish Melinda would stop looking shocked every week when she gets a standing ovation!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sanjaya Survives

Gee, why are people surprise (and making so much fuss) that Sanjaya is not booted out from the American Idol competition this week? Just because he can't sing as good as, say, Melinda or Lakisha, doesn't mean the end of the road for the 17-year-old. There's always a group of people who will vote for the worst. Kevin Covais from last season did quite well for someone who couldn't quite carry a tune. What about Jasmine Trias who had zero personality and forgettable voice but still managed to beat Jennifer Hudson in the third season of Idol. I, for one, would love to see Sanjaya last a little longer. No, not for the singing but more for what hairstyles he gets each week. Someone give him a shampoo endorsement already!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Supermodel Behaviour

The next time supermodel, Naomi Campbell, wants to hurl a phone at someone, she better think twice. A New York court found the model guilty of throwing a phone (crystal-encrusted no less!) at her maid and is ordered to do a five-day community service. The lanky model is to mop floors of the New York Sanitation Department.

Before you go, "Oh no preferential treatment for a celebrity then!", read up. Her lawyers told the court that she won't do a Boy George (who had to sweet the streets of New York as punishment recently) and was granted the motion -- Naomi will stay indoor, out of the prying eyes of the public.

Darn! We so want to see Naomi in an orange vest and workman's boots she has been advised to wear to mop the floors. That and also to accidentaly throw a banana peel on her head while driving past! A few times!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Undressed For Success

Want to become popular instantly? Take naked photos of yourself like Paris Hilton and post them on the internet. Want to sell more records? Take naked photos of yourself like Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz and post them on the internet. Want to stay in American Idol longer? Take naked photos of yourself like Antonella Barba and post them on the internet.

Though Antonella was the worst performer in the show last week, that didn't matter to the voters (who must be horny young males by the look of it). She was saved from being axed from the show. Her perfomance of Celine Dion's Because You Loved Me was pathetic as much as it was emotionless (she dedicated the song to her brother).

That just goes to show (again!) that being beautiful gets you everywhere but being beautiful and naked on the internet gets you further. In Antonella's case, another week in American Idol.

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Posh Life

What do Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham have in common? Both are just famous for being famous. Both can't sing. Both wrote lousy books. And both have reality shows! Well actually, Paris has The Simple Life and soon, Victoria will have a reality show based on her life.

She has just signed to star in a reality show about her transition from Europe to California. She recently moved to La La Land to be with her husband, footballer David Beckham who has joined the Los Angeles Galaxy team.

A reality show on Posh Spice? Sounds like a tacky idea but hey, we thought The Simple Life was tacky too and looked what it did for Paris and Nicole.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get Lost

I read somewhere that the recent episode of Lost only managed to pull in some 14 million viewers - the lowest in its three-year history. Should anyone be surprised? The show - once darling of critics and audience - has been on a decline since Season 2.

The problem with Lost is its writers. It is one thing to keep the viewers in suspense but it is another to keep us guessing. Week after week, episode after episode, the writers come up with more mysteries (who are the Others, what do they want, what exactly is the Dharma initiative, where is Michael and Walt... I can go on for hours, really) and introduce more characters (do we care about Nikki and Paulo?). We are confused, seriously confused. To a point that we don't give a rat's ass anymore.

However, the creators of Lost have promised to deliver more answers in the near future as a way to entice viewers to keep tuning in. Oh no, we are not falling for that line again! It is official - Lost has lost it!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shoulda Said No

So, it seems that it is a general consensus that Jennifer Hudson's python bolero is hideous! Even the star herself! It seems that Jen didn't think much of the bolero and was all set to wear another outfit - a gold Cavalli - but when Andre Leon Talley found out about her last-minute switch, he insisted Jen wore the Oscar de al Renta outfit he chose for her. Jen agreed - but she had to since she is the cover girl for the March issue of Vogue and we know how hard it is to score that kinda deal! Eventually, Jen changed into the gold frock mid-way through the show but the damage has been done!

Ellen DeGeneres Didn't Generate Buzz

I have a feeling that more people tuned in to watch the red-carpet arrival of the Oscars than the actual show itself. I don't blame them. The show was utterly boring. Despite what some said about the many upsets of the evening, I thought the show was completely predictable. And what about Ellen DeGeneres as the host? She's dull and lifeless and didn't quite breathe life to the show. Don't get me wrong - I love Ellen and think she is one of the funniest comediennes around but perhaps she was too intimidated with the hosting gig. Her jokes were kinda lame and to think she started working on her joke since last November (she revealed that in a press conference). Bring back Billy Crystal or Whoppi Goldberg!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Jennifer Hudson's Bolero Boo Boo!

What is she thinking?! Oscar winner for Best Supporting Actress, Jennifer Hudson looks like the long lost daughter of Count Dracula in this Oscar de la Renta outfit. The bolero has to go, girl! And to think that she had the help of Vogue's creative director, Andre Leon Talley to pick this ensemble. Tsk, tsk. Anna Wintour must be frowning!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jennifer Lopez On Idol

After years of giving us old fogeys as guest musicians on the show, this year, American Idol has actually secured more contemporary artistes to come on the show. There's Gwen Stefani, Jon Bon Jovi and Jennifer Lopez.

Hold on - J. Lo on a show about singing? She is not seriously coming on the show to give singing tips, right? That's like asking Madonna to offer advise on acting. Or Carson Kressley to talk about football. Or Paula Abdul to comment on singing. Wait a minute - that's already happening!

Britney Goes Berserk!

What's wrong with young Hollywood these days? It seems, every other day - scratch that - every day!, we read news about a celeb getting herself into trouble. Paris and Nicole driving under the influence (the latter who was arrested on the car pool lane with her car on the opposite flow of the traffic actually pleaded not guilty recently), Lindsay and Britney checking in (and then checking out and then checking in again) to rehab centres.

The most bizzare has got to be Brit who, apart from going commando recently, decided to go GI Joe by shaving bald (sorry, skinheads are only for Sinead O'Connor and Demi Moore) . Then she went all beserk and took a brolly (as a weapon of choice) to attack the paparazzi trailing her. How truly weird... Come to think of it, this might actually not be a call for help... it could be Brit's clever marketing ploy to get herself exposure. Who said controversy is bad? She build her career on controversies!